Tuesday, April 5

April 1 & 2: A Brief Birthday Tour

So, it's been awhile since I've updated anything because frankly I haven't been doing anything interesting for the last couple months. Mostly just working, paying my bills, and biding time until law school. But this weekend I took a short trip to the Ann Arbor - Detroit - Windsor area for my birthday.
Main Street in Ann Arbor, MI
Since Friday was my actual birthday, Dandrich and I ate dinner with his sister at Japanese restaurant on University of Michigan Campus, creatively named Sushiya. Afterwards we had a birthday dessert at The Melting Pot on Ann Arbor's Main Street / downtown area. Both restaurants are pretty good. For being small and a college town, Ann Arbor has a lot of great dining options both on campus and downtown. It's also a really walkable area. Friday night they also happened to be holding a small street festival which seems to happen quite often.
Chocolate fondue with strawberries
Saturday morning, Dandrich and I stopped by the Ann Arbor farmer's market. If you are ever in Ann Arbor on a Saturday morning it is definitely worth waking up early to go. We bought some macaroons from Cecilia's Pastries which were delicious (but they sell out fast) in addition to some freshly-made breadsticks and wildflower honey.
Lavender flavored macaroons
Our next stop was the Detroit Zoo to see the penguinarium. The zoo was nice though smaller and older than the Columbus Zoo. Honestly, the penguinarium was a little bit of a let down though still really interesting. I guess I just thought it would be a little bigger. However, the Detroit Zoo does have a pretty cool polar bear exhibit which is good-sized.
Polar Bear Exhibit at the Detroit Zoo
From the zoo we continued through Detroit on our way to Windsor, Ontario. If you are ever considering driving to Canada I would suggest not to cross through at the Detroit / Bridge to Canada checkpoint. First of all, at present they are doing a lot of reconstruction on the roads and ramps to get to the bridge. The roads are not very well marked nor are the detour signs and our GPS machine didn't have the updated maps because the construction isn't finished. We eventually got to the bridge by following a car with Canadian plates. As you go through the US Border Patrol first they search your car then you have to wait forever to pass through the Canadian Border Patrol. The GPS estimated the distance from the zoo to Windsor at about 10 miles but it took us nearly two hours to get there. On the other hand we crossed back into the United States at a smaller checkpoint north of Lake St. Clair and it took maybe 10 minutes.
I don't have any pictures of Detroit or the Bridge to Canada so here's a picture of the inhabitants at the penguinarium
Originally we planned to stop at the Casino in Windsor but decided instead to take a short drive to the city of Chatham a little further east.. We stopped first at a mall in Windsor to exchange a little bit of cash  and check out a Canadian mall. If you were ever wondering what stores are in a Canadian mall the answer is American Eagle (and a bunch of other American stores) and the Canadian clothier Roots. So basically the same things as the mall in Ann Arbor.
We drove all the way to Canada for exotic stores like Sears
Driving through the Ontario countryside, the scenery looked very much like Ohio - flat, farm land - but with one exception. Wind turbines and solar panels cover the landscape. In 2009 Ontario passed the Green Energy and Green Economy Act which, among other provisions, provides incentives to homeowners who develop small-scale renewables. As a result many of the farms and homes we passed had solar panels installed in their yards. Although this won't cover all the energy needs it does allow more reliance on renewable energy. It would be great to do something like that here in Ohio. (Though that won't happen in the foreseeable future.)
Wind turbines in the Ontario countryside
In Chatham, we ate dinner at place called Smitty's which is apparently like a Canadian IHOP or something. The portions were pretty big for the price. We also stopped to see a lighthouse on Lake St. Clair which looked way cooler on the map than in person. It was an enjoyable trip albeit short since I had to work back in Columbus on Sunday night. And watch out for more updates as I have some more adventures planned in the future!
The map said Lighthouse Cove when it should have said Two-Story Miniature Lighthouse Behind an Abandoned Parking Lot but I guess that was too long.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Wish I could have been there.
