Sunday, December 5

Leaving on a Jet Plane

After twenty-six hours in transit, Dandrich and I finally arrived in Taipei last night. It was a long twenty-six hours. Thursday we stayed at a hotel at the Detroit Airport since our flight left from there at six o'clock in the morning on Friday. The hotel was nice but unfortunately I didn't take any pictures while we were there.

Our first flight was from Detroit to Houston. I had to sit by an ogre-looking woman whose shirt only covered half of her bulging beer-gut. At least this was only a three-hour flight. The Houston Airport, which is named after President Bush, was not my favorite airport. Dandrich and I each ate a pasta salad there but the food options were severely limited. 

Waiting at the Houston Airport

After that we had a fourteen hour flight to Tokyo. This time we were blessed by the airplane gods as the overly tall guy who was supposed to seat beside us was moved elsewhere to accommodate his huge size, meaning we got spread out over three seats for the entire flight. Nevertheless the flight was long and I was happy to get off the plane and walk around for little bit. 

During our layover in Tokyo we ate some sushi that was delicious before boarding our final flight to Taiwan. This flight was only four hours but it felt the longest I suppose since we were so close to getting to our destination. I was so relieved to finally get to Taiwan and meet Dandrich's parents at the airport. We snacked on a cake once we got back to the apartment that had a frozen apple and fruit slushie in the middle. It was pretty good. 

I'm pretty excited because I've almost completely adjusted to jet lag already. I woke up this morning around 9:30 am which is about when I normally wake up at home. This means you can look for more updates to come quickly! 

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