Wednesday, December 15

Dec. 11-12 & 15

So I have updated with some posts from Monday and Tuesday. I got a little behind in my posting because my memory card got stuck in my computer last Friday. Oops. However, I have finally found a (temporary) solution so I should be good now for the rest of the trip. 
Today it rained all day in Taipei as we traversed the city trying to get my computer fixed. So basically, I only have a very few number of pictures from a place we had tea at in the afternoon. This place was a 'salon de the' or a French-style teahouse. They had delicious little 'petite gateaux' and I had some chamomile tea. 
I also don't have much to update from last weekend. Dandrich was not feeling well so we stayed around the apartment on Saturday. Sunday I went on little hike with Dandrich's parents in the afternoon and in the evening we ate dinner at this restaurant in the mountains surrounding Taipei. The food there was pretty good and was supposed to be French style food but was really more Italian style. But it was delicious anyway and the views were really great, though the picture don't really do it justice.

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