Wednesday, December 1

Announcement: December Plans

Hey all! Tomorrow, I will be leaving for the rest of the year, which is really only a month at this point. Where will I be going? That's a great question. And the answer is . . . drum roll please . . . Taiwan. I have been to Taiwan once before, but this time I hope to try more of the food and culture. The first time I went, several years ago, I was shocked by the completely different cuisine and I didn't try as much as I would have liked, looking back on things now. I plan on implementing a rule I learned from my Girl Scout days: To try at least three bites of everything.

We have some excursions planned and we'll undoubtedly have many unplanned adventures as well. I will have lots of exciting posts while I am away so check back often! I have posted a few of my favorite pictures from my last trip to Taiwan to whet your appetite while I spend the next three days in transit. 

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