Wednesday, December 22

Dec. 22

Today was an eventful day. We began by eating at a really expensive and really delicious all you can eat buffet that just opened near Dandrich's parent's house. It was one of the nicest restaurants I've ever eaten in.

All-you-can-eat dessert buffet
In the evening we went back to the Flora Expo to see the Christmas exhibits. They were pretty even though some of the designers know very little about Christmas. It was kind of funny to watch the people there taking pictures. Cameras have become the new status symbol in Taiwan so everyone buys the biggest camera with the biggest lenses and the biggest flash. Even though these accessories may be unnecessary in a situation, these amateur cameramen use them all the time. Some even buy professional cameras.
Like this guy who needed two cameras, a tripod, and an Indiana Jones hat . . . 
. . . to take a picture of this. 
Later, we ate this snack that is shaved ice covered with different fruit toppings like strawberries, mango, and kiwi. This was also, of course, delicious. Tomorrow we will be leaving on a trip to the southern part of Taiwan for four days. Not sure if we'll have internet at the hotel or not so it may be a few days before I update.
Shaved ice with fresh fruit

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