Saturday, December 18

Dec. 16: Taiwan Astronomical Museum

Thursday was another rainy, rainy day. We did brave the weather to venture to the Taiwan Astronomical Museum, which was far from the best. It took us a little bit longer to get there because we took the MRT and then had to transfer to the city buses. But we made it! 
We watched this cool movie on the Hubble telescope in this Imax movie dome. After the movie ended, a member of the museum staff guided the audience through the different constellations and stars that are visible during the winter time. This was the best part of the museum. 
The rest of the museum had a lot of information but I think it was intended more for elementary school children. There were interactive exhibits but a lot of them were broken. School groups overran most of the museum so there were a lot of screaming little kids. 
On the plus side, the museum only cost $20 NTD a piece to get into, which is like 66-cents or $1.33 for both of us. However, was by far not the most interesting thing we've done so far. 

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